
Session Scheduling

Participant Pre-Registration Requirements

Audio Visual (A/V) Equipment

Session Scheduling

In-Person: Sessions for the 2024 Seattle Annual Conference will begin on Thursday evening, March 14 and end on Sunday afternoon, March 17. 

Virtual: Sessions for the annual conference virtual component will be scheduled on Friday, March 1.

We reserve the right to alter the schedule as needed for program adjustments.

With approximately 40 sessions generally scheduled in a given time slot, it is impossible not to have some overlap in sessions on similar topics. In response to participants’ feedback, the AAS program committee has compiled a category and keywords list. You can help the program committee try its best to avoid scheduling issues by doing the following in your proposal:

  • Time Periods and Keywords: The categories are used for scheduling purposes only. Your selection of a time period and keyword(s) have no bearing on whether or not a proposal is accepted. Select a category that best fits your proposal.
  • Additionally, those submitting proposals (organizers of sessions or individuals) should indicate any potential scheduling conflicts—along with a specific reason—on the proposal. You may indicate work, travel, personal religious conflicts, etc. on the proposal application.

If you agree to participate in the AAS Annual Conference, you are agreeing to be scheduled during any of the time slots. The Program Committee will attempt to accommodate conflicts, but cannot guarantee a particular time slot.  The AAS DOES NOT allow scheduling changes once the schedule has been determined. 

As noted in the Session Types and Requirements section of this CFP, the virtual program is limited and we are unable to accommodate request for presentation format changes (virtual to in-person or in-person to virtual).

Participant Pre-Registration

PRE-REGISTRATION is required of ALL PARTICIPANTS in accepted sessions, including those composed of individual papers and all speakers presenting at the virtual component.

The names of participants accepted to appear in the formal program WILL NOT appear in the Printed Program unless participants are pre-registered by the posted participant registration deadline.  The AAS does not require participants to join the AAS to participate in a formal panel session and offers non-member rates.  However, pre-registration is required by the posted deadline to ensure your name appears in the formal program.

After pre-registration, if participants find they are unable to attend the conference, they must request a refund no later than the posted participant registration deadline. We suggest all participants in need of financial assistance from their institutions or other sources and/or those participants needing to complete a visa application begin the process immediately after notice of acceptance.  The AAS cannot make exceptions for refund requests, including those submitted on the basis of denied funding and/or visa applications. Pre-registration information will be sent to all participants at the time they are notified of their acceptance to the program.


Audio Visual (A/V) Equipment for Panel Sessions

The AAS will supply all session rooms in Seattle with a basic A/V package which includes an LCD projector, screen, microphone, speakers, and cabling for laptop and sound (additional microphones will be added for roundtable discussions).

It is the responsibility of panel participants to bring their own LAPTOP COMPUTERS (and in the case of Macintosh laptops, a dongle to connect with the projector cord) and/or arrange and pay for additional equipment and services needed from the hotel. The AAS cannot assist in these preparations.

The AAS DOES NOT PROVIDE laptop computers, TV/DVD equipment, overhead projectors, slide projectors, or any other equipment or supplies potentially needed for presentations.  It is the responsibility of panel participants to bring their own LAPTOP COMPUTERS (and in the case of Macintosh laptops, a dongle to connect with the projector cord) and/or arrange and pay for additional equipment and services needed. The AAS cannot assist in these preparations. 

Throughout May, AAS is celebrating Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Read more