Education About Asia: Online Archives

Web Gleanings: Asian Language and Literature

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Title: Books by and for South Asian Women
An extensive list of South Asian authors accompanied by short biographies and bibliographies can be found on this Web page. There are also reviews of some of the books that are listed here.

illustration of several people sitting on an outside platform, reading
Tale of Genji: Kiritsubo Taken from:

Title: India Star Review of Books
The “India Star Review of Books” contains reviews, poetry, short fiction, and film and multimedia reviews. The focus is on Indian and Southeast Asian topics. The entire current issue is available on-line.

Title: Tibetan-English Dictionary
With over 85,000 entries, this dictionary allows the user to enter Tibetan terms which have been transliterated into English via the Wylie system. Each search will yield compounds (and their meanings) in addition to the meaning of the single search term.

Title: Project Gutenberg: Lafcadio Hearn
Project Gutenberg, now with over 2000 e-texts and 800 authors, offers free download of texts from a wide variety of authors. The link provided here is to two works by Lafcadio Hearn: “Kwaidan” and “Chita: A Memory of Last Island.”

Title: Nihon Bungaku
This page links to a large number of Japanese literary documents from a variety of epochs. The texts and the Web site are completely in Japanese.

Title: Archives of Urdu Poetry
Compiled by a Pakistan-born physician now residing in the U.S., this site presents Urdu poetry using Urdu type converted into graphics, thus readable without special software.

Title: Books by and for South Asian Women
An extensive list of South Asian authors accompanied by short biographies and bibliographies can be found on this Web page. There are also reviews of some of the books that are listed here.

Title: India Star Review of Books
The “India Star Review of Books” contains reviews, poetry, short fiction, and film and multimedia reviews. The focus is on Indian and Southeast Asian topics. The entire current issue is available on-line.

Title: Tamil Electronic Library
An enormous collection of links to a large variety of documents, including proverbs, marriage songs, computer-related words. There are ancient literary classics in both Tamil and romanized fonts. A huge number of bibliographies and short histories of authors are provided.

Title: Virtual Bangladesh: Literature
Biographies of the major literary figures of Bengali writing. In addition, there are a number of works by poets like Tagore translated to English.

Title: Chinese Classical Literature
This site offers classical Chinese literature and is replete with useful features. All Chinese text is presented as images, thus obviating the need for special text converters or readers. In addition, the texts are linked to English translations presented elsewhere. The screen for each work is divided into three frames: a frame where the table of contents is shown, a frame for the individual chapter or poem, and a frame where the etymology and meaning of any character one clicks on in the work is displayed.

Title: Korean Literature
URL: 0,5716,109588+1,00.html
A comprehensive look at Korean literature by the Encyclopedia Britannica. Topics covered include: Poetry, Prose, Literature of the Three Kingdoms, Literature of the Koryo, Literature of the Early and Late Choson Periods.

Title: English Noh Index
A handy list of Noh plays accompanied by links to English language sources, if available. In addition to the publisher of the book containing the play, a list of other plays in the volume is given.