October 2017 AAS Member News & Notes

Many thanks to the members of the AAS 2018 conference program committee, who met in Ann Arbor on September 23, 2017 (above). Committee members reviewed nearly 1,000 organized panel and individual paper submissions in preparation for the meeting, and the AAS appreciates their willingness to devote time and effort to this work.


The selection committee for the Hamako Ito Chaplin Memorial Award for Excellence in Japanese Language Teaching is now accepting nominations and self-nominations for the 2018 award. The Chaplin Award recognizes outstanding work in the fields of Japanese language pedagogy, linguistics, anthropology, or literature. If you are interested in nominating yourself or a colleague, please complete an application form and submit it to the selection committee chair no later than February 2, 2018.


The Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies (MARAAS) conference will be held October 6-8 at Drexel University in Philadelphia and will feature a keynote address by AAS Past President Laurel Kendall. Information about the program and how to register is available at the MARAAS website.


Prior to the start of our 2018 conference in Washington, D.C., join the AAS Committee on Teaching Asia (CTA) for CTA Day, hosted by George Washington University on Thursday, March 22, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Professor Sung-Yoon Lee from Tufts University has agreed to present at CTA Day on “Orienting Ourselves to Educate about North Korea.” CTA has also invited some North Korean refugees to share their perspectives with CTA Day participants. Time to share and discuss practices and pedagogies also are included. Registration cost (includes lunch) is $35. For more information, please contact Peter Gilmartin, CTA Chair.


Registration and housing are now open for AAS 2018 in Washington, D.C. This year we are pleased to offer GREEN registration rates for the first time. Those who select the GREEN option at registration elect not to receive a print version of the conference program and will save $10 on their registration fees. GREEN conference participants can use the AAS 2018 mobile app, online program, and/or PDF of the conference program to view and organize their schedules; all versions of the program will be available in the coming months.

We are also pleased to announce that the AAS is offering the chance to win one of ten free student registrations for the conference. All currently enrolled graduate students, regardless of AAS membership status or whether they will be on the conference program, are eligible to enter the lottery. Simply complete a short entry form and submit it online by October 15, 2017.


A reminder that the call for proposals for the fifth AAS-in-Asia conference, which will be held in New Delhi July 5-8, 2018, is open until November 15, 2017.

Deceased Asianists

Mayling Birney, scholar of Chinese politics. Obituary via the London School of Economics and Political Science.

John W. Lewis (1930-2017), political scientist who studied the politics of China and North Korea. Obituary via Stanford Daily.

Adam McKeown, historian of China. Obituary via Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute.

Stanley Weinstein (1929-2017), specialist in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism. Obituary via H-Asia.

We welcome submissions for the AAS Member News & Notes column, so please forward material for consideration to mcunningham@asian-studies.org. Please note that we do not publish book announcements in this space; new books by AAS Members will be announced on the association’s Twitter feed (@AASAsianStudies) and Facebook page (@AASAsianStudies).