“What Is Asia?” The Inaugural Conference of the USC Asian Studies Group (GEAS-Silkway)

The Asian Studies Group (GEAS) is an initiative of the University of Santiago de Compostela integrated in The Silkway International Network: Energy, Connectivity, Environment, People (website under construction). Its main objective is to promote a transcultural and transdisciplinary dialogue between East and West, fostering their mutual understanding. We have the conviction that only by knowing each other better can a true dialogue take place. Hence our choice of title, What Is Asia?, for the inaugural conference of GEAS-Silkway. As is the case with any other continental designation (“Europe”, for instance), “Asia” names a cultural reality full of disparities and idiosyncrasies, assumptions and worldviews, achievements and failures, traditions and conflicts, histories and projects, languages and artistic manifestations, geographies and geopolitics which will be task of the scholars at this three-day conference to begin to disentangle and illuminate. What Is Asia? will engage the participation of both Silkway members and external experts. The conference will be fully conducted in English.
Both young postdoctoral and senior researchers are welcomed to submit proposals for 20-minute presentations on any relevant aspect of Asian life and cultures (philosophy, art, literature, history, geography, politics, religions, etc.). Inter-/Transdiciplinary approaches will be given preference. Among other topics, papers could address:

  • processes of renarrativization of Asia-Europe historical relations
  • population movements inside Asia and between Asia and Europe, and their cultural influence
  • the ways in which Globalization is presently being redefined by Asian geo-political and geo-economic relations and networks
  • Asia as a future concept
  • Cross-pollination of art, culture, knowledge, and technology across the East-West divide
  • European-Asian cooperation on energy transition and climate change
  • Figurations of Asian / European borders in philosophy, arts, and literature
  • Material culture in transit across Asian and European geographies

Along with the title, please, send a 350-word proposal for a 20-minute presentation and a 150-word bionote to both Jorge Sacido-Romero (jorge.sacido@usc.es) and Noemí Pereira-Ares (noemi.pereira@usc.es) by July 15, 2023. Though the conference will be held onsite, we will exceptionally accept online participation.
For useful information about travel & accommodation, please visit: https://www.santiagoturismo.com