Social Justice and Morality: International and Interdisciplinary Conference

Call for papers
International and Interdisciplinary conference
Topic: Social Justice and Morality
Dates: January 5-7, 2022
Place: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Due date for abstract (150 words): July 31, 2021
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Subtopics: Social Justice as a Moral Imperative, Principles of Social Justice, Rights and Justice Ethics, A Global View of Ethics and Social Justice, Role of Moral Principles, Deontic Justice, Distributive Justice, Justice and Fair Trials, Environmental and Economic Justice, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Social Justice and Moral Imagination, Social Justice and Human Rights, Equality, Gender and Race, Feminism and Ethics of Care, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Poverty and Social Justice, Immigration Ethics, Ethics and Politics, Social Justice and Amnesty, Justice in a Pandemic, Social Justice, Popular Sovereignty and Disinformation, Mass-Media Campaigns, Morality in Worldwide Crisis, Child Labor, Human Trafficking, etc.

Advisory Board Members: Distinguished Academicians, Vice-Chancellor and Principal from the countries listed below.
Gordon Haist (USA), J. Fritzman (USA),Randy Groves (USA), George Leaman (USA), Andrew Ward (UK), Yolanda Espina (Portugal), Panos Eliopoulos (Greece) Isaac Nevo (Israel), He Chuan (China) Ming Shao (China), Susan Wu (Taiwan), Rizwanur Rahman (India), Dibyendu Talapatra (India), Debkumar Mukherjee (India). Conference Directors: Chandana Chakrabarti and Kisor Chakrbari (USA)

The conference will have plenary sessions and also round table discussions on topics below:

Plenary sessions will include scholars from:
Sociology, Anthropology, Politics, History, Criminal Studies, Law, and Philosophy.

1. Round Table discussion:
Social Justice and Morality as Represented in Media
Distinguished international and local Journalists will be engaged in an interactive dialogue
2. International Summit of Poets and Artists:
How different literary works talk about Social Justice
3. Social Justice and Morality as Portrayed in Film:
Distinguished Hollywood and Bollywood movie directors will be invited
4. How distinguished corporate world and personnel deal with issues related to Social Justice morality