Korea in the Context of US-China Competition: Negotiating the Growing Tensions between Economics and Geopolitics

The Department of International Relations at the University of Sussex together with the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna is inviting scholars whose research focuses on the intersections of contemporary geopolitics and economic statecraft on the Korean peninsula in the context of growing tensions in the region to submit a proposal for an upcoming international workshop. Senior and early career scholars as well as doctoral candidates are encouraged to apply.
The workshop is scheduled to take place at the University of Sussex, UK, on the 6th November 2024.

• Proposal submission deadline (maximum 300-word abstract): 28th February 2024.
• Acceptance notice: 6th March 2024.
• International Workshop at the University of Sussex: 6th November 2024.
• Submit papers to k.gray@sussex.ac.uk

Two nights accommodation will be provided along with up to GBP 120 for participants within the UK and GBP £330 (inclusive of transfers) for participants from outside of the UK.
Online participation in the workshop will also be accommodated.
The goal is that the papers presented at the conference will be included in a special issue/edited volume.

Aims of the Workshop
This proposed workshop seeks to provide an interdisciplinary in-depth examination of the emergent tensions between the two Korea’s security and economic imperatives arising from the deepening competition between the US and China. On the one hand, this involves examining the various forms of economic statecraft that the Korean states are deploying to deal with the challenges posed by the rise of the so-called “new Cold War.”

Kevin Gray (University of Sussex)
Antonio Fiori (University of Bologna)