Travel Grants/Stipends

Travel Grants & Stipends

AAS International Exchange Travel Grant Program

We are pleased to continue the availability of travel grants for scholars who are citizens of and work in non-high-income, non-OECD nations* of Asia. This support is limited to those scholars who are active participants (discussant, chair or paper presenter) on regular panels, roundtables, or workshops that have been accepted to the formal program.  Individual Paper proposal submitters are not eligible for support through this program.

*Click here to view the list of OECD nations. In accordance with this list, applications for scholars from these OECD countries will NOT be accepted, in addition to the following places: Hong Kong, Republic of China (Taiwan), and Singapore. Scholars who normally work in an eligible country but will be residing in an ineligible country at the time of the conference may be considered on a case-by-case basis, but requests from scholars traveling from non-high income, non-OECD countries in Asia will be given priority. All applicants must indicate the city/country they will be traveling FROM to attend the conference.

Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient funds to cover all the related costs of attending the conference. Individuals awarded the AAS International Exchange Travel Grant will be limited to applying the grant to international round-trip discounted airfare, up to three night’s hotel accommodations at the conference rate, and/or conference registration.   The AAS International Exchange Travel Grant may not be applied to AAS membership fees. The maximum award available is $2,000; however, due to the anticipated large number of applications, individual grants will likely be lower. Panel organizers or applicants are advised to seek outside funding to supplement travel grants. Grant funds may be wired in advance either directly to the scholar or to his/her travel agency, but proof of actual airline ticket purchase price will be required. Otherwise, awarded grants may be picked up on-site at the AAS Conference registration area once original travel receipts are provided.  Individual scholars are responsible for arranging the purchase of tickets, hotel accommodations, registration, etc.

Sessions organizers should submit their request as part of the online panel proposal by the August 3 deadline.  Only one (1) participant per panel will be considered for funding. Awards will be made by a special selection committee after the formal program has been decided by the Program Committee. Attempts will be made to maintain fairness across countries, specializations, and disciplines.

This grant is available only to individual participating on sessions scheduled to take place in-person in Seattle.

Graduate Student Stipends

The AAS provides partial travel stipends to all graduate student members participating in the formal program.  There are no separate application procedures; graduate student travel stipends will be automatically distributed to graduate student members on the formal program if the student meets the criteria noted below.  

Grant amounts vary each year and are dependent on the number of eligible students, but the minimum amount awarded is $200.  Although no formal stipend request application is required, all graduate students must still meet the criteria below in order to receive the travel stipend.  To be eligible to receive a graduate student stipend, students must:

  1. Be accepted to present in a session taking place in-person in Seattle, Washington;
  2. Register in the student registration category by the posted speaker registration deadline;
  3. Live more than 100 miles away from the conference site;
  4. Not have received funding from other AAS sources.

Individual award checks are prepared in advance and will be available for pick-up at the conference registration desk on-site.  

*The AAS offers both member and non-member student conference registration rates.  To qualify as a student, individuals must have a current STUDENT membership and/or register in the student non-member category. Valid student ID, an enrollment form, or other proof of current student status is required with student non-member registration application and /or the student membership application.

**Students living within a 100-mile radius of the conference site are considered “local” and are NOT eligible for the graduate student stipend.