We are now accepting submissions for the AAS 2025 Film Expo, which will be held in conjunction with the AAS Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, March 13-16, 2025.
Through a partnership established with the AAS in 2011, the Annual Conference Film Expo is curated and organized by the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Documentary and independent films on issues reflecting contemporary life in Asia will be programmed and projected in a dedicated screening room Thursday through Saturday on conference dates. Selected films may include short post-screening Q&A sessions with filmmakers and film representatives attending the conference.
We welcome the submission of films related to Asia produced by scholars and independent filmmakers. Criteria utilized in the selection process include timeliness, broad appeal to the scholarly community, and examples of new fieldwork. In considering your submission, please note that attendees viewing films may be seeking titles for classroom use or for their institutional libraries.
Approximately twenty to twenty-five films will be selected for screenings.