The Association for Asian Studies is pleased to announce that the 2022 Gosling-Lim Postdoctoral Fellowship in Southeast Asian Studies has been awarded to Dr. Realisa Darathea Masardi (Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia) for her proposed project on Independent Refugee Youth in Waiting: Social Navigations while in Transit in Indonesia. Dr. Masardi will be based at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan to turn her dissertation into a book that examines the social navigations of refugee youth traveling from various parts of the world as they maneuver uncertainties while in transit in Indonesia.
Her manuscript, which focuses on young asylum seekers between the age of 8 and 24 years old such as the Hazara ethnic group born in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran; the Rohingya from Myanmar; as well as young refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Sri Lanka, explores the ways in which independent refugee youth “exercise active waiting while transiting in Indonesia.”
The Gosling-Lim Postdoctoral Fellow in Southeast Asian Studies has been made possible thanks to a generous gift from L.A. Peter Gosling and Linda Yuen-Ching Lim. This fellowship is focused on capability-building in Southeast Asian Studies among scholars who are Southeast Asian nationals based in Southeast Asia and at Southeast Asian institutions. Its goal is to enable such scholars to concentrate on publishing their dissertation research, and/or embark on new post-dissertation research, without the distraction of having to teach, consult, or shoulder administrative burdens, and with the opportunity to expand their scholarly networks and expertise.
The intent is that fellowship recipients will develop their careers in the region, helping to advance the field of Southeast Asian Studies within the region. According to Pete Gosling and Linda Lim: “We are pleased that the fellowship attracted many competitive applicants from across the region, and look forward to its continuation and growing impact in the years ahead.”