The AAS is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s book prize competitions and offer congratulations to the authors and presses. We encourage everyone to attend the Awards Ceremony at the upcoming AAS annual conference in Denver, CO on Friday, March 22, where the authors will be recognized and receive citations.
Joseph Levenson Pre-1900 Book Prize (China)
Jonathan Schlesinger, A World Trimmed with Fur: Wild Things, Pristine Places, and the Natural Fringes of Qing Rule, Stanford University Press
Honorable Mention: Craig Clunas, Chinese Painting and Its Audiences, Princeton University Press
Joseph Levenson Post-1900 Book Prize (China)
Ching Kwan Lee, The Specter of Global China: Politics, Labor, and Foreign Investment in Africa, University of Chicago Press
Honorable Mention: Thomas Mullaney, The Chinese Typewriter: A History, MIT Press
John Whitney Hall Book Prize (Japan)
Bryan D. Lowe, Ritualized Writing: Buddhist Practice and Scriptural Cultures in Ancient Japan, University of Hawaii Press
James B. Palais Book Prize (Korea)
Eunjung Kim, Curative Violence: Rehabilitating Disability, Gender, and Sexuality in Modern Korea, Duke University Press
Bernard S. Cohn Book Prize (first book on South Asia)
Anna Marie Stirr, Singing Across Divides: Music and Intimate Politics in Nepal, Oxford University Press
Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy Book Prize (South Asia)
Anirudh Krishna, The Broken Ladder: The Paradox and Potential of India’s One Billion, Cambridge University Press
Honorable Mention: Durba Ghosh, Gentlemanly Terrorists: Political Violence and the Colonial State in India, 1919-1947, Cambridge University Press
Harry J. Benda Book Prize (first book on Southeast Asia)
Doreen Lee, Activist Archives: Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia, Duke University Press
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Gaynor, Intertidal History in Island Southeast Asia: Submerged Genealogy and the Legacy of Coastal Capture, Cornell University Press
George McT. Kahin Book Prize (Southeast Asia)
Lisandro Claudio, Liberalism and the Postcolony: Thinking the State in 20th Century Philippines, National University of Singapore Press
Honorable Mention: James Rush, Hamka’s Great Story: A Master Writer’s Vision of Islam for Modern Indonesia, University of Wisconsin Press
A.L. Becker Southeast Asian Literature in Translation Prize
Stuart Robson, The Old Javanese Ramayana: A New English Translation, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Franklin R. Buchanan Prize for Asia Curriculum Materials
Michael Fuller, An Introduction to Chinese Poetry: From the Canon of Poetry to the Lyrics of the Song Dynasty, Harvard University Asia Center